Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NCAA Graduation Success Rates by Sport

While reading an as-usual-funny article by ESPN's TMQ (Tuesday Morning Quarterback), I stumbled upon a link to the NCAA's athletic GSR's (Graduation Success Rates) . I thought, for fun, I'd publish the men's graduation rates here, from top sport to last:

Sport GSR
Lacrosse 88
Water Polo 87
Fencing 86
Gymnastics 86
Ice Hockey 83
Swimming 83
Tennis 83
Volleyball 83
Skiing 82
Rifle 80
Golf 79
Soccer 79
CC/Track 74
Wrestling 72
Baseball 68
Football(FBS) 67
Football(FCS) 65
Basketball 62

Not so surprisingly, Baseball, football, and basketball are dead last, I think mainly because so many of these athletes graduate early to go into the professional realms. What did surprise me was that the FCS colleges, formerly Division II, had such a low rate since most of these players do not go into the NFL. I would be curious to hear what people think of that anomaly.

A little surprising, on the positive side, was that the ice hockey GSR's were so high. Different from the powerhouse counterparts, hockey players obviously are staying in school longer. This may have something to do with the level of competition and how difficult it is to make it into the NHL.

Any other thoughts from people are certainly welcomed. And sorry I haven't posted in so long.